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Learning English

One of my favorite thing  is watch Sponge Bob in original language whit the subtitle in English too, because the subtitles are different in the typography and it moves witch the characters. I learn English whit series, after i watched ''how i met your mother'' i realized that my English get better, watching series we cant to learn many words. The problem is that i can pronounced words but i don't know how its write. Whit the laboratory when i write the blog i have to search words so i learn them, it help too much to improve in the language. But i don't like it form to learn another language, i think that we don't should  to follow the rules that impose USA, we should to know how translate other language. i think that when the people go to other country it learn to much fast the language, it is a good form to learn, it shouldn't be imposed. Other form to learn English is whit the music, when we  listen music closely and we search the translate we lear

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