Knowledge is Power

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When i finish my stydies in chemistry and pharmacy i want to do a PHD in chemistry to can learn 
more about it. i always want to study only chemistry but the possibilities of get a job are lower than my career for that reason i preferred to do a PHd after, whit than i pretend to know all about chemistry to can do research in the themes of last blog. 

Image result for investigador laboratorio

Whit the knowledge what i want to have when  finish both of them i´m going to be like Heisenberg of Braking bad, the possibilities what give to you this area of the science and the form in what you see the life is too different to others because i think  we know how the things do they work molecularly and a little how us functioning.

The world of sciences is too big so is too much what we have to learn but the knowledge is powerful so i want to do all possible to obtain it. if exist the possibility to travel around the world know other universities  others cultures and persons, i want to take it. the life is to short but if i used my time in learn things i probably in my ideals research  can discover something and if this thing is important to the humanity it´s going to be much better 
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  1. Breaking Bad is a good series! I hope that you can fulfil your dream of having a PhD in Pharmacy!


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