Think like other life forms
When we talk about microscopic life i imagine bacterium, viruses, cells, ants, fly, etc. is curios because they are very organised like us, but they have other interests, only live and breed, without thinking because they use the instinct and the signals of the environment. is´t very basic if we think, but we don´t have the capacity to understand they minds, awareness, if they have. the humans understand the functioning of they capacities like use antennas or be photosensitive but we can't imagine how it should feel.
For other side exist the macroscopic life i understand it like a big set of cells, for example crocodiles, elephants, horses and obviously the humans, we stay organised of different form, but we have the same interests, only live and breed, like the others live forms. but the think what make us different is us awareness, we can think, and decides (of some form) the future of our life. but exist something what is vary important to survive and a unlike the others animals, and live forms we don't have it, the thing is the respect for the nature and the care of the environment.
We use the word animal contemptuously but they do not do the horribly things what we do. like killing us and our environment. in this cases, of some form we have to think more like they and minus like humans.
The world in the microscale is beautiful.